Renewable energy options for your home

PSE Match (logo)

An easy, affordable way to match your energy use with renewable energy from the Northwest. No equipment to install or maintain.

Green Power

Green Power

Match your electricity with renewable energy from the Pacific Northwest. Starting at $4 per month.
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Solar Choice

Solar Choice

Match your electricity with solar power from the Pacific Northwest. Starting at $5 per month.
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Carbon Balance

Carbon Balance

Reduce your carbon footprint with offsets from local forestry projects. Starting at $4.50 per month.
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PSE Replace (logo)

Elevate your commitment to the environment by replacing your energy use with local renewable energy delivered to PSE’s grid and system.

Community Solar

Community Solar

Get bill credits by subscribing to solar energy generated in your community. Starting at $20 per month.
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Renewable Natural Gas

Renewable Natural Gas

Replace your conventional natural gas use with renewable natural gas. Starting at $5 per month.
PSE Generate (logo)

Want to generate your own renewable energy? You can offset the cost of your conventional energy use without losing PSE’s reliability.

Customer Connected Solar

Customer Connected Solar

Information and resources for learning more about installing and interconnecting solar panels at home.
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